Кристиан  Камерон

Кристиан Камерон

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[b]Кристиан[/b] Гордон [b]Камерон[/b] (англ. [b]Christian[/b] Gordon [b]Cameron[/b]) Литературный псевдоним - [b]Майлз Камерон[/b] (для книг в жанре фэнтези) Канадский романист. Кристиан Камерон родился 16.08.1962 г. в Питтсбурге (штат Пеннсильвания), рос в Рочестере (Нью-Йорк) и в Айова-сити (штат Айова), а также в Рокпорте (штат Массачусетс). Он отучился в средней школе McQuaid Jesuit High School в Рочестере (Нью-Йорк), и получил степень бакалавра искусств в области истории Средневековья в Университете Рочестера. Был кадровым офицером ВМС США. Наиболее известной его работой является продолжающаяся серия исторических романов "Тиран" (Tyrant), книги которой к 2009 году были проданы в количестве более 100 000 экземпляров. *** After University, Cameron joined the United States Navy as an ensign, serving in VS 31 as an air intelligence officer and gaining his air observer wings before going to spend the rest of his military career as a humint officer, first with NCIS and later with DHS in Washington, DC. Cameron left the US military in 2000 as a lieutenant commander. While still serving in the Navy, Cameron proposed his first novel with his father (Kenneth Cameron, American novelist and playwright) to HarperCollins UK, which was published in 1996 as Night Trap in the UK and Rules of Engagement in the United States. In 2002, Cameron wrote his first solo novel, Washington and Caesar, published by HarperCollins in the UK and Random House in the US. Also in 2002, Cameron moved to Canada and married his wife, Sarah. They have one child, Beatrice. The Tyrant series was born in the classrooms of the Classics Department of the University of Toronto, where Cameron decided to write a series of historical novels in 2003. From 2003 to the present, Cameron has written three Tyrant novels: Tyrant (2008),[2] Storm of Arrows (2009) and Funeral Games (2010). Three more Tyrant novels are in the works: King of the Bosporus (2011), Besieger of Cities (2012) and Force of Kings (2013). The Tyrant series is set in the time of Alexander the Great and concerns the history of the Euxine area and the inter-relations between the Greeks and Scythians

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