Элизабет Чедвик (США)

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Элизабет Чедвик - псевдоним Нэнси Фэрбенкс Херндон для исторических любовных романов. [color=red][b]ОТЛИЧАТЬ от исторической романистки из Англии Элизабет Чедвик!!![/b][/color] http://www.nancyfairbanks.com/ Nancy Fairbanks Herndon is a US lecturer in English and the author of historical romances under the pseudonym Elizabeth Chadwick and mysteries under the name Nancy Herndon and Nancy Fairbanks. Originally from St Louis, she now lives in El Paso, Texas, with her husband, a University professor. She studied at University of Missouri and Rice University and did doctoral work in English at New York University. She has lectured in English at several universities. From 1989 she published historical romances and short stories under the pseudonym Elizabeth Chadwick. She then published seven comic police procedural mysteries under her married name, Nancy Herndon. This series is known by its protagonist, Texan Elena Jarvis. Her current series is the Carolyn Blue Culinary mysteries, written under her maiden name, Nancy Fairbanks. С http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Fairbanks

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