Brei Betzold

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[b]Brei Betzold[/b] is a stay at home mom to one very interesting little boy. She started reading and writing at a young age, and has always dreamed of pursuing it as a career. She can be found most often working on her latest ideas. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her son and husband playing rockband, cooking, or curled up on the couch watching a movie. Автор о себе: [i]To be completely honest, I dislike talking, let alone writing about myself, but here it goes what you need to know about me. I am a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, a friend, an avid reader, an occasional author, basically like every other woman on the planet I have a lot of titles and very little time. My husband and I were friends when one night I kissed him and he ran away, we have one child, a son, who our world revolves around. The idea of writing was first stirred by my seventh grade English teacher, Mrs. Williams. It’s a tossup what I loved more, the poetry section or the Norse mythology. What I do know is I began writing and never stopped. I worked in the tech industry for years, until my pregnancy made working difficult, I was a stay at home mom after that. A job in which I relish. When my son was around three I got an idea, the idea blossomed, and before I knew it I had written my first full length novel. The idea of showing it to anyone was scary, so I stashed it away, held it close to my heart for a year before I became brave enough to share it. From there things just seemed to take a life of their own, and I became a self-published author. I don’t write for accolades and awards, I write because it makes me happy. The idea of someone reading words I thought were important enough to chronicle affecting them, is surreal. My dream since the seventh grade was to write, what that meant at the time I didn’t have a clue. What I know now, is I want to make my family and friends proud. I want to show my son that striving to reach your dream is worth the struggle.[/i] Сайт автора:

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