Дж.Д. Дэвис

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Джей Д. Дэвис (J.D. Davies) - английский историк, специалист по истории флота эпохи Реставрации, автор научных и развлекательных книг. сайты: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Davies http://www.jddavies.com Библиография (с англоязычной странички wiki): Дневники Мэтью Квинтона (The Matthew Quinton) Gentleman Captain (2009) The Mountain of Gold (2010) The Blast that Tears the Skies (2011) The Lion at Midnight (2013) The Battle of All the Ages (2014) The Rage of Fortune (a 'prequel' to the series featuring Matthew Quinton's grandfather) Death's Bright Angel (to be published in 2016) Non-fiction Gentlemen and Tarpaulins: The Officers and Men of the Restoration Navy (with Andrew Davies) (1991) Pepys's Navy – Ships, Men and Warfare (2008) Blood of Kings: The Stuarts, the Ruthvens, and the 'Gowrie Conspiracy' (2010) Britannia's Dragon: A Naval History of Wales (2013) Kings of the Sea: Charles II, James II and the Royal Navy (to be published in 2017)

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