Mystic U: Midterms

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  • Просмотров: 7

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Danny has decided to stay at Mystic U in the wilds of Wyoming because his new lovers, Heather and Lee, are just too hard to resist. A lot of people want Danny gone, though, and some of them aren’t afraid to show it in dangerous ways. Lee and Heather are resolute about keeping Danny with them, and alpha male Lee is determined to keep them all safe. Can Danny pass his classes and manage to stay alive?

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  • Количество страниц: 30
  • Объем: 54476 тыс. знаков
  • Дата поступления: 03.10.2010
Mystic U: Midterms
  • 0.00
  • Количество оценок: 0
  • Просмотров: 7
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