DC Noir 2: The Classics

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Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of city-based noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with BROOKLYN NOIR. Each book is comprised of stories set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the city of the book. The original D.C. NOIR, a groundbreaking collection of new fiction by sixteen different writers, displayed the curatorial prowess of best-selling author George Pelecanos. In D.C. NOIR 2: The Classics, Pelecanos once again assembles an enchanting array of dark and subversive stories, this time selecting the very best of Washington’s historical literary legacy.

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Подробная информация

  • Год издания: 2008
  • Издательство: tvnic
  • Количество страниц: 251
  • Объем: 489080 тыс. знаков
  • Дата поступления: 28.01.2015

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