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Описание книги

In Oblivion Erlendur is a recently promoted detective. His world is dominated by drug-dealers, a cold case involving a missing schoolgirl, a CIA operative and the murky history of America’s presence in Iceland.

In the windswept volcanic landscape of south-west Iceland, a vast aircraft hangar rises behind the perimeter fence of the US naval air base. It is night. Inside the hangar, colossal scaffolding reaches to the roof where contractors have been working. There is a clang and a length of piping falls to the ground from a high platform, followed almost immediately by a dull thud as a man’s body falls after it.

Several miles away, a woman is swimming in the milky-blue lagoon formed from waste water pumped out by a geothermal power station. It is an eerie, remote spot but the waters have healing properties. Steam rises from the blue-white lagoon and the moss-grown lava. In the background towers the floodlit bulk of the power station. The ghostly light reveals a shoe sticking out of the water, attached to a body.

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Подробная информация

  • Перевод Victoria Cribb
  • Год издания: 2015
  • Издательство: tvnic
  • Количество страниц: 247
  • Объем: 457528 тыс. знаков
  • Дата поступления: 15.04.2016

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