Murder by the Book

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The Eighteenth Chronicle of Matthew Bartholomew

Close to the end of Easter Term 1358, the Colleges of the University of Cambridge are at war over the creation of a Common Library. Scholars from the poorer hostels are delighted by the scheme, but others see it as a dangerous precedent, and demand that the project be abandoned. At a meeting of all the masters to discuss the matter, a book flies through the air, striking one of their number and leaving him seriously wounded. Matthew Bartholomew is called upon for his skills as a physician, but his experience is even more in demand when a body is found floating in the pond of the library’s garden on the eve of its opening.

Meanwhile, there have been three murders in the town: these victims have all had their throats cut, and the culprits are rumoured to be a force of dangerous smugglers who lie low in the Fens.

Alongside Sheriff Tulyet and Brother Michael, Bartholomew knows he only has a week to disentangle the threads of violence that link town to gown, academic to tradesman. To fail might mean the destruction of the whole town.

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Подробная информация

  • Год издания: 2012
  • Издательство: UkeMandrivnyk
  • Количество страниц: 367
  • Объем: 712350 тыс. знаков
  • Дата поступления: 05.05.2016

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Murder by the Book
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  • Просмотров: 7
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