The World of the Georgians

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Four of this country’s Hanoverian kings gave their name to a dynamic era characterised by immense social change and British expansion throughout the world. The dramatic events and characters of the Georgian period (1714–1837, including the short reign of William IV) continue to fascinate us today. This special issue explores the lives, politics and international conflicts of that age, from the rumbustious ballrooms of bewigged elite society to the hardships endured by sailors in Nelson’s navy. We look at the threat posed by the Jacobites supporting ‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’ and the challenges presented by the American War of Independence. We’ll also find out why the British suffered sleepless nights in fear of Napoleon. Nearer to home, we chart the riots and rebellions on Britain’s road to political reform, and the opportunities and problems created by the industrial revolution. We also discover the real history behind Poldark and offer a survivor’s guide to making a good Georgian marriage. We’ll meet some fascinating characters, including the badly behaved regent who became George IV, the military commanders who made Britain’s redcoats the most feared soldiers in the world, and the children who worked in the factories from the age of just eight.
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Подробная информация

  • Год издания: 2016
  • Количество страниц: 117
  • Дата поступления: 06.11.2016

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The World of the Georgians
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  • Количество оценок: 0
  • Просмотров: 8
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