Pool and Billiards For Dummies®

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  • Просмотров: 37

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Practical, step-by-step tips for players of all levels From Snooker to Carom to good-old-fashioned 8- or 9-Ball, Pool & Billiards For Dummies reveals the tips, tricks, and rules of play, covering the variety of the ever-popular games that make up pool and billiards. This hands-on guide discusses everything from the rules and strategies of the games to how to set up a pool room to choosing the right equipment, and is accompanied by dozens of photos and line drawings. • See how hard to hit the cue ball and where to hit it, the angle to hold the cue stick and how much chalk to use, how to use a bridge, and how to put spin on the ball • Includes advanced pool techniques and trick shots for the seasoned pool sharp With Pool & Billiards For Dummies, even a novice can play like a champion!
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Подробная информация

  • Год издания: 2010
  • Количество страниц: 387
  • Дата поступления: 11.07.2017

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Pool and Billiards For Dummies®
  • 0.00
  • Количество оценок: 0
  • Просмотров: 37
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