Dragon’s Harvest

  • 5.00
  • Количество оценок: 1
  • Просмотров: 46

Описание книги

"Dragon’s Harvest" begins after the treacherous Munich accord on the Rivera where Lanny meets with a “shelved” Tory, Winston Churchill, Lanny, is ostensibly an art expert, meeting with the famous and infamous throughout Europe, buying old European masterpieces and selling them to rich Americans. He acts as a liaison with French and English diplomats and military appeasers. He uses all of his determination to warn them that war with Germany is inevitable. He tells them that Germany has been preparing for over a period of ten plus years for the wholesale takeover of Europe, despite what Hitler promises. Lanny has a private meeting with Neville Chamberlain. Lanny is with Hitler and Goring as they plan the seizure of Poland. He warns Belgium, Holland and Norway of their approaching fate. Lanny becomes involved and with great danger in a risky rescue of British sailors at Dunkirk. After the heroic rescue at Dunkirk Lanny rejoins Hitler in an effort to determine when the Nazi’s intend to invade England and as Dragon’s Harvest ends, Hitler and the Nazi’s occupy Paris and install the Vichy Government. In this book Lanny once again utilizes all of his intellectual and creative skills to outwit the Gestapo who are the trail of a naive young anti Nazi woman writer living in Germany. Her name is Laurel Creston and she is a significant character throughout the remaining books and a tremendous source of influence and support to Lanny. The scheme Lanny utilizes to outwit the Nazi’s is one the reader will not want to miss. And for all of the fans of Lanny Budd you are about to meet the future Mrs. Lanny Budd. Their relationship is painstakingly developed and is one the reader will love.
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Подробная информация

  • Год издания: 1945
  • Дата поступления: 29.01.2019

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Dragon’s Harvest
  • 5.00
  • Количество оценок: 1
  • Просмотров: 46
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