Granite Lake Wolves

Wolf Sings
Talk about getting your signals crossed… Robyn Maxwell doesn’t care that her brother has to...
Wolf Flight
An untriggered werewolf. A runaway Omega. It’s not easy fighting destiny. Tad Maxwell’s wor...
Wolf Games
True love’s path never did run smooth. Granite Lake Wolves, Book 3 After seven years of...
Wolf Tracks
Score one for the underdog…er…wolf. Granite Lake Wolves, Book 4 TJ Lynus is a legend in...
Second Howl
The Granite Lake pack’s First Night celebrations are loud, boisterous and full of fun. Missy and Tad...
First Howl
The Granite Lake pack’s First Night celebrations are loud, boisterous and full of fun. But Robyn and...
Wolf Nip Split
Cat got your tongue? Tessa Williams is looking to make her mark outside the family business...
Wolf Line
Jared s not sure how his quiet morning coffee near the harbour ended with him on a cruise ship...