Very Short Introductions

German Philosophy
German philosophy stands at the center of modern thought. Without Kant, Frege, Wittgenstein, and Hus...
Every atom of our bodies has been part of a star. In this lively and compact introduction, astrophys...
Genius is the name we give to a quality of work that transcends fashion, celebrity, fame, and reputa...
Landscapes and Geomorphology
Landscapes are all around us, but most of us know very little about how they have developed, what go...
Colonial America
In the traditional narrative of American colonial history, early European settlements, as well as na...
The British Empire: A Very Short Introduction
From the eighteenth century until the 1950s, the British Empire was the largest and most far-flung p...
Druids: A Very Short Introduction
The Druids have been known and discussed for at least 2400 years, first by Greek writers and later b...
The Celts: A Very Short Introduction
Savage and bloodthirsty, or civilized and peaceable? The Celts have long been a subject of enormous...
Evolution: A Very Short Introduction
This book illuminates the crucial role of evolutionary biology in transforming our view of human ori...
Socrates: A Very Short Introduction
In this book, Christopher Taylor explores the relationship between the historical Socrates and the e...
Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction
Poststructuralism changes the way we understand the relations between human beings, their culture, a...
Medical Law: A Very Short Introduction
Medical law touches on many of society's most hotly debated issues, from the status of the embryo to...
Risk: A Very Short Introduction
We find risk everywhere - from genetically modified crops, medical malpractice, and stem-cell therap...
Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture: A Very Short Introduction
From Berlin to Boston, and St Petersburg to Sydney, ancient Egyptian art fills the galleries of some...
Modernism: A Very Short Introduction
Modernism ushered in some of the most exciting innovations in art and literature, from Fauvism, Cubi...
Postmodernism: A Very Short Introduction
Postmodernism has become the buzzword of contemporary society over the last decade. But how can it b...