Animal Stories

The Unwanted Puppy
Zoe loves dogs but hasn't had one of her own since her beloved Honey died. Then Zoe spies S...
Sammy The Shy Kitten
Emma loves going to Summerhill Stables for her riding lessons. One day she arrives to find that e...
A Kitten Called Tiger
Ava's new kitten, Tiger, may be small but he makes up for it with his big personality and sense o...
The Brave Kitten
This story is about a young girl called Helena who helps out at the local vet surgery where her o...
Smudge Тhe Stolen Kitten
Olivia is very protective over her lovely new kitten, Smudge. But when her big brother's naughty...
A Cat Called Penguin
Alfie has always loved playing in the overgrown garden next door. It is here he plays with Pengui...
The Curious Kitten
Amber's neighbours are having building work done and her kitten is very curious about all the new...
The Homeless Kitten
Lily and her family are going for a walk with their dog, Hugo, when Hugo sniffs out an amazing se...
The Curious Kitten
Amber's neighbours are having building work done and her kitten is very curious about all t...
Oscar's Lonely Christmas
Hannah is delighted to receive a Dalmation puppy, Oscar, just before Christmas. She wishes...
Monty the Sad Puppy
Amelie has always loved dogs, but she never dreamed that she’d end up with two o...
The Brave Kitten
This story is about a young girl called Helena who helps out at the local vet surgery where...
The Missing Kitten
Scarlett is excited to be moving to the countryside, especially as it means she will finall...
Sam the Stolen Puppy
Sam, a golden Labrador puppy, is Emily's best present ever! The two become great friends an...
Max the Missing Puppy
Molly is over the moon when she is given Max, a gorgeous Old English sheepdog puppy. Max pi...
A Home for Molly
On holiday at the seaside, Anya is excited when she meets a friendly family with children h...