Иронический детектив, дамский детективный роман

From Here to Paternity
Jane Jeffry, suburban sleuth extraordinare, and her friend, Detective Mel VanDyne, have braved...
Silence of the Hams
When loathed attorney Robert Stonecipher is felled by a rack of hams at the opening of a neighb...
War and Peas
Regina Palmer, director of the Snellen Museum (dedicated to the study of rural history and foun...
Fear of Frying
Jane Jeffry and Shelly Nowack set off for some relaxation in the Wisconsin woods while scouting...
The Merchant of Menace
Quintessential mom in tennis shoes Jane Jeffrey is once again thrust into a murder investigatio...
A Groom With a View
Looking to earn some extra money because her car is always having problems, widowed mom Jane ta...
Mulch Ado About Nothing
When Jane and neighbor Shelley Nowack sign up for a gardening class at their local community ce...
The House of Seven Mabels
Homemaking is about to take on a whole new meaning for Jane Jeffry now that she's agreed to hel...
Bell, Book, and Scandal
You can't judge a book by its cover. To look at her, one would never think suburbanite homemake...
A Midsummer Night's Scream
It's summer in the Chicago suburbs, and Jane Jeffry and her best friend, Shelley, are testing c...
The Accidental Florist
Suburban supersleuth Jane Jeffry and her detective beau Mel VanDyne have finally decided to tie...
Амазонки под черными парусами
Сокровища средневекового пирата Балтазара Коссы, предположительно спрятанные в Бухте Дьявол...
Королевские цацки
В свои двадцать пять рыжеволосая красавица Анжелика еще ни разу не любила. А выходить замуж...
История Франции глазами Сан-Антонио, или Берюрье сквозь века
Париж не сразу строился, и Франция не сразу стала единой! Таблички на улицах и постаментах нося...
Дай пять
У Стефани Плам исчез дядя, и бабуля Мазур считает, что его похитили инопланетяне. Дело приняло...