Исторический детектив

Southampton Row
Charles Voisey, of the Inner Circle, plans to run for Parliament against the Liberal candidate, Aubr...
Bethlehem Road
The elegant gentleman tied to the lamppost on Westminster Bridge is definitely dead – his throat has...
Buckingham Palace Gardens
The Prince of Wales has invited four wealthy entrepreneurs and their wives to the palace to discuss...
Weighed in the Balance
It had been twenty years since Countess Zorah Rostova’s countryman Prince Friedrich abdicated his th...
Slaves of Obsession
Monk agrees to attend a dinner party at the lush home of arms dealer Daniel Alberton, whose daughter...
A Funeral In Blue
Hester serves as a volunteer nurse for Dr Kristian Beck, an intense Viennese émigré. Beck’s wife, E...
Dead water
Nineteenth-century New Orleans is a blazing hotbed of scorching politics and personal vendettas. And...
Nur der Tod bringt Vergebung
Im Jahre 664 kämpfen im Königreich Northumbrien die Anhänger der Kirche Roms gegen die Vertrete...
Das Konzil der Verdammten
Burgund um 670: Kurz vor Beginn des Konzils wird im Kloster zu Autun ein Bischof ermordet. Man...
Ein Totenhemd für einen Erzbischof
Anno Domini 664: Wighard von Canterbury, der künftige Erzbischof, fällt in Rom einem Raubmord z...
Предательство. Утраченная история жизни Иисуса Христа
Палестина. I в. н. э. Иосиф Аримафейский, богатый и влиятельный житель Иерусалима, пытается доб...
Роза Версаля
Отставной поручик Алексей Полянский получает приглашение на службу в недавно сформированный Жандармс...
Доспехи Дракулы
В Ярославском поместье графа Шаховского, заядлого коллекционера старинного оружия и доспехов, происх...
Death in the Devil's Acre
The Devil is certainly at work in the dark streets of the slums of Victorian London—and Charlotte an...
Cardington Crescent
When Charlotte Pitt's sister is charged with murder, she and her husband Thomas must work fast to cl...
Dorchester Terrace
The 27th novel in Anne Perry's highly acclaimed crime series featuring Inspector Thomas Pitt. 1896....