Исторический детектив

Fatal Lies
A dogged police inspector and an insightful young psychiatrist match wits with depraved crimina...
Mortal Mischief
In 1900s Vienna, Psychoanalyst Dr Max Liebermann is called in to help with police investigation...
The Hangman’s Daughter
Germany, 1660: When a dying boy is pulled from the river with a mark crudely tattooed on his shoulde...
The Interrogator
Spring, 1941. The armies of the Reich are masters of Europe. Britain stands alone, dependent on her...
To Kill a Tsar
One man living a double life in the treacherous world of revolutionary Russia. One chance to save th...
Śmierć Achillesa
Rok 1882. Po sześcioletnim pobycie w Japonii Fandorin powraca do Moskwy i od razu musi się zająć po...
Gambit turecki
Ktoś zdradza plany Rosjan w wojnie z Turcją. Podejrzenia padają na narzeczonego emancypantki Warwar...