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Once again, Daniel "Chaingang" Bunkowski is on the loose. After a seemingly endless term is pri...
The man is a hulk of angry, flabby, flesh, housing a genius intelligence that is ever inventing...
In a steamy city, murder has never before been so icy. And as the toll of unsuspecting victims...
Bunkowski, a powerful, twisted madman with an unquenchable taste for killing, makes his bloody...
Stone Shadow
EDITORIAL REVIEW: Stone Shadow draws you inevitably against your will into the mind of seri...
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
One of the supreme masterpieces of Romantic fiction and Scottish literature, The Private Memoir...
Doctor Nine
In her dreams, Bethy dreamed of blood. She was only eleven years old, but she knew what she wan...
Deeper Than the Dead
Bestseller Hoag (_Kill the Messenger_) ventures into serial killer territory with results sure...
The Pumpkin Man
When Jenn moved into the old cottage by the coast she inadvertently awakened a spirit of pure e...
New York Times bestselling author Alex Kava returns in a blaze of glory with a gripping, action...
The 7th Victim
The Dead Eyes Killer lurks in the backyard of the famed FBI Profiling Unit. His brutal murders...
Inmate 1577
When an elderly woman is found raped and brutally murdered in San Francisco, Vail heads west to...
Renowned FBI profiler Karen Vail returns inVelocity, national bestselling author Alan Jacobson’...
Fresh off the most challenging case of her career, The 7th Victim heroine and renowned FBI prof...