
The Great Movies
America’s most trusted and best-known film critic Roger Ebert presents one hundred brilliant essays...
The Great Movies II
Continuing the pitch-perfect critiques begun in The Great Movies, Roger Ebert's The Great Movies II...
The Great Movies III
Roger Ebert has been writing film reviews for the Chicago Sun-Times for over four decades now and hi...
25 Movies to Mend a Broken Heart
Ahh, love. It can be a many splendored thing, but it can also lead to the pain of a broken heart. Fo...
27 Movies from the Dark Side
Sometimes there's just nothing more absorbing than watching a movie that truly looks at life on the...
30 Movies to Get You Through the Holidays
The holidays—that time between Thanksgiving and New Year's—jam more "together" time together than an...
33 Movies to Restore Your Faith in Humanity
Wondering if the world is really going to hell in a handbasket? Then consider Roger Ebert's e-book o...
I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie
A collection of more than 200 of Ebert's most biting, hilarious and sometimes savage reviews -- by w...
Your Movie Sucks
Some of these reviews were written in joyous zeal. Others with glee. Some in sorrow, some in anger,...
25 Great French Films
Like a full-bodied Bordeaux wine, Roger Ebert's e-book original 25 Great French Films will reward yo...
Желание чуда
Автор книги, народный артист СССР, лауреат Ленинской и Государственных премий, Герой Социалисти...
Актеры нашего кино. Сухоруков, Хабенский и другие
В последнее время наше кино — еще совсем недавно самое массовое из искусств — утратило многие б...
Кумиры. Тайны гибели
Фатальные истории жизни известных личностей — тема новой книги популярного исследователя закули...
Эпоха и кино
Книга выдающегося советского кинорежиссера, народного артиста СССР, Героя Социалистического Тру...
Семнадцать мгновений весны. Кривое зеркало Третьего рейха
Когда заходит речь о первом советском телесериале «Семнадцать мгновений весны», в эпитетах...