
Этика Спинозы как метафизика морали
В своем исследовании автор доказывает, что моральная доктрина Спинозы, изложенная им в его главном с...
Избранное. Созерцание жизни
Георг Зиммель (1858–1918) – немецкий философ, социолог, культуролог, один из главных представителей...
Индивид и космос в философии Возрождения
Эрнст Кассирер (1874–1945) – немецкий философ, представитель второго поколения неокантианцев марбург...
О принципе противоречия у Аристотеля. Критическое исследование
Книга выдающегося польского логика и философа Яна Лукасевича (1878-1956), опубликованная в 1910 г.,...
Augustine: A Very Short Introduction
Augustine was arguably the greatest early Christian philosopher. His teachings had a profound effect...
Atheism: A Very Short Introduction
Atheism is often considered to be a negative, dark, and pessimistic belief which is characterised by...
Во власти инстинктов
Автор книги — писатель-натуралист, доктор биологических наук, профессор зоологии. Всю жизнь пос...
Hegel: A Very Short Introduction
Hegel is regarded as one of the most influential figures on modern political and intellectual develo...
Privacy: A Very Short Introduction
It is widely recognized that our privacy is under threat. Electronic surveillance, biometrics, CCTV,...
Hobbes: A Very Short Introduction
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) was the first great English political philosopher, and his book Leviathan...
Zen and the Art of Consciousness
Who are you? When are you? What were you conscious of a moment ago? This groundbreaking book sees ac...
Descartes: A Very Short Introduction
Descartes is perhaps best known for his statement, "Cogito, ergo sum, " the cornerstone of his metap...
Thought: A Very Short Introduction
There is no denying that thinking comes naturally to human beings and that thinking is indeed centra...