
Советско-американские отношения и война во Вьетнаме. 1964-1968 гг.
Проблема глобальной безопасности особо остро встала после Карибского кризиса, во время которого угро...
The European Union: A Very Short Introduction
Over the past few decades, the European Union has seen many great changes. Negotiations for the acce...
Diplomacy: A Very Short Introduction
Diplomacy means different things to different people, the definitions ranging from the elegant ("the...
Governance: A Very Short Introduction
The word "governance" is ubiquitous. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund make loans c...
American Politics For Dummies®
The simplest way to get to grips with the American political system American Politics For Dummies...
American Politics: A Very Short Introduction
American politics seems to grow more contentious and complicated by the day, and whether American de...
Because We Say So
"Chomsky is a global phenomenon . . . perhaps the most widely read voice on foreign policy on the pl...
Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order
Why is the Atlantic slowly filling with crude petroleum, threatening a millions-of-years-old ecologi...
The Russian Revolution: A Very Short Introduction
This concise, accessible introduction provides an analytical narrative of the main events and develo...
Внешняя политика Священной Римской империи в X–XI веках
В книге представлен цикл очерков о политике германских королей (с 962 года носивших титул императоро...
Propaganda and the Public Mind
Renowned interviewer David Barsamian showcases his unique access to Chomky’s thinking on a number of...
Украина. Анатомия катастрофы
Новая книга Андрея Манчука рассказывает о глубоком социально-экономическом кризисе, который охватил...
Социальное насилие
Войны и насильственная преступность сопровождают человечество всю его историю и давно служат предмет...