Грант Моррисон

Об авторе

Грант Морисон родился в Глазго, Шотландия в 1960 году. Первыми опубликоваными писательскими работами Моррисона стали короткие рассказы Gideon Stargrave о одноимённом персонаже для журнала Near Myths в 1978 году, одни из первых альтернативных комикс-работ в Великобритании. Его работы появились в четырёх из пяти выпусков Near Myths, после чего он стал думать о профессиональной работе в комикс-индустрии и был принят Near Myths. Во время работы он занимался созданием еженедельного комикса Captain Clyde о безработном супергерое из Глазго. Следующим крупным проектом Моррисона станет Multiversity — серия комиксов из восьми уан-шотов, действие которых происходит в 52 Мультивселенной. Моррисон работает на книгой о супергероях Supergods: Our World in the Age of the Superhero, публикация которой в издательстве Random House, Spiegel & Grau планируется в Великобритании летом 2011 года. Кроме книг, Моррисон занят в работе над научно-фантастическим сериалом «Bonnyroad» для BBC вместе с режиссером Полом МакГиганом и Стивеном Фраем, а так же работает над сценарием к фильму «Sinatoro» режиссёра Адама Мортимера, релиз которого намечен на 2012 год. Ранее заявленные проекты, например Warcop, The New Bible и финальная часть трилогии Seaguy, которые были анонсированы в 2008 году на New York Comic-Con, еще не вышли в свет и находятся в стадии написания. [spoiler title='открыть']Библиография DC Comics: Superman Annual '86: "Osgood Peabody's Big Green Dream Machine" (text story with illustrations by Barry Kitson and Jeff Anderson, 1986) Все звезды. Супермен / All-Star Superman: —Volume 1 (collects #1-6, hc, 160 pages, 2007) —Volume 2 (collects #7-12, hc, 160 pages, 2009) — Absolute All-Star Superman Action Comics v2 #1-18 and #0 (with Rags Morales, Gene Ha and Andy Kubert, 2011–2013) collected as: Vol. 1: Superman and the Men of Steel (collects #1-8, hc, 256 pages, 2012) Vol. 2: Bulletproof (collects #9-12 and #0, hc, 224 pages, 2013) Vol. 3: At The End of Days (collects #13-18, hc, 224 pages, 2013) Batman Annual '86: "The Stalking" (text story with illustrations by Garry Leach, 1986) Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth / Бэтмен. Лечебница Аркхем. Дом скорби на скорбной земле Legends of the Dark Knight #6-10: "Gothic" (with Klaus Janson, 1990) collected as Batman: Gothic (tpb, 96 pages, 1992) Batman & Son (hc, 200 pages, 2007; tpb, 2008) collects: "Batman and Son" (with Andy Kubert, in #655-658, 2006) "The Clown at Midnight" (with John van Fleet, in #663, 2007) "Three Ghosts of Batman" (with Andy Kubert, in #664-665, 2007) "Numbers of the Beast" (with Andy Kubert, in #666, 2007) The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul (hc, 256 pages, 2008) includes: "Prelude" (with Tony Daniel, in #670, 2007) "Part 4" (with Tony Daniel, in #671, 2007) The Black Glove (hc, 176 pages, 2008; tpb, 2009) collects: "The Island of Mister Mayhew" (with J. H. Williams III, in #667-669, 2007) "Space Medicine" (with Tony Daniel, in #672, 2008) "Joe Chill in Hell" (with Tony Daniel, in #673, 2008) "Batman Dies at Dawn" (with Tony Daniel, in #674, 2008) "The Fiend with Nine Eyes" (with Ryan Benjamin, in #675, 2008) Batman R.I.P. Deluxe Edition (hc, 192 pages, 2009; tpb, 2010) Time and the Batman (hc, 128 pages, 2011; tpb, 2012) Batman and Robin: —Batman Reborn (hc, 168 pages, 2010; tpb, 2011) collects: —Batman vs. Robin (hc, 168 pages, 2010; tpb, 2011) collects: —Batman and Robin Must Die! (hc, 168 pages, 2011; tpb, 2012) collects: — Absolute Batman and Robin "Black Mass" (with Cameron Stewart, Frazer Irving and Chris Burnham, in #16, 2010) Batman: The Return (with David Finch, one-shot, 2010) Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1-6 (with Chris Sprouse, Frazer Irving, Yanick Paquette, Georges Jeanty, Ryan Sook and Lee Garbett, 2010) collected as Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne (hc, 224 pages, 2011; tpb, 2012) Batman Incorporated: Volume 1 — Batman Incorporated Volume 1 (hc, 264 pages, 2012) collects: Volume 2 (with Chris Burnham, 2012–2013) — Batman Incorporated: Demon Star — Batman Incorporated: Gotham's Most Wanted Aztek, the Ultimate Man #1-10 (with Mark Millar and N. Steven Harris, 1996–1997) collected as JLA Presents: Aztek, the Ultimate Man (tpb, 240 pages, 2008) The Flash: Emergency Stop (tpb, 144 pages, 2009) collects: "Emergency Stop" (with Mark Millar and Paul Ryan, in #130-132, 1997) "Flash Through the Looking Glass" (with Mark Millar and Paul Ryan, in #133, 1998) "Still Life in the Fast Lane" (with Mark Millar and Paul Ryan, in #134, 1998) "Death at The Top of The World, Part Three" (with Mark Millar and Paul Ryan, in #135, 1998) The Human Race (tpb, 160 pages, 2009) includes: "The Human Race" (with Mark Millar, Paul Ryan and Ron Wagner, in #136-138, 1998) "Flash of Two Worlds" (with Mike Parobeck, in Secret Origins #50, 1990) Justice League of America: Secret Origins #46: "Ghosts of Stone" (with Curt Swan, 1989) JLA: JLA Volume 1 (hc, 256 pages, 2008; tpb, 2011) Volume 2 (hc, 320 pages, 2009) collects: JLA/WildC.A.T.s (with Val Semeiks, one-shot, 1997) "Rock of Ages" (with Howard Porter, in #10-15, 1997–1998) Prometheus (with Arnie Jurgensen, one-shot, 1998) "Prometheus Unbound" (with Howard Porter, in #16-17, 1998) Volume 3 (hc, 256 pages, 2010) collects: "Conquerors" (with Howard Porter, in #22-23, 1998) JLA One Million (with Howard Porter, one-shot, 1998) "Executive Action" (with Howard Porter, in #24-26, 1998–1999) "Crisis Times Five" (with Howard Porter, in #28-31, 1999) DC One Million #1-4 (with Val Semeiks, 1998) collected as DC One Million (tpb, 208 pages, 1999) Volume 4 (hc, 368 pages, 2011) collects: "The Ant and the Avalanche" (with Howard Porter, in #34, 1999) "World War III" (with Howard Porter, in #36-41, 1999–2000) JLA: Earth 2 (with Frank Quitely, graphic novel, hc, 96 pages, 2000) JLA Classified #1-3: "Ultramarine Corps" (with Ed McGuinness, 2004) Seven Soldiers: — Seven Soldiers of Victory Volume 1 — Seven Soldiers of Victory Volume 2 52 (with Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka and Mark Waid, 2006–2007) collected as: Volume 1 (collects #1-13) Volume 2 (collects #14-26) Volume 3 (collects #27-39) Volume 4 (collects #40-52) Final Crisis collects: Final Crisis #1-7 (with J. G. Jones, Carlos Pacheco and Doug Mahnke, 2008–2009) Final Crisis: Submit (with Matthew Clark, one-shot, 2008) Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #1-2 (with Doug Mahnke, 2008–2009) — Absolute Final Crisis Vertigo: Animal Man (with Chas Truog, Tom Grummett and Paris Cullins, 1988–1990) collected as: —Animal Man (collects #1-9, tpb, 216 pages, 2001) —Origin of the Species (collects #10-17 and Secret Origins #39, tpb, 225 pages, 2002) —Deus Ex Machina (collects #18-26, tpb, 219 pages 2003) — The Animan Man Omnibus Doom Patrol (with Richard Case, Doug Braithwaite, Mike Dringenberg and Vincent Giarrano, 1989–1993) collected as: —Crawling from the Wreckage (collects #19-25, tpb, 192 pages, 2004) — Doom Patrol Volume 2: The Painting That Ate Paris (collects #26-34, tpb, 232 pages, 2004) —Down Paradise Way (collects #35-41, tpb, 192 pages, 2005) —Musclebound (collects #42-50, tpb, 256 pages, 2006) —Magic Bus (collects #51-57, tpb, 208 pages, 2007) —Planet Love (collects #58-63 and Doom Force #1, tpb, 224 pages, 2008) Hellblazer #25-26: "Early Warning" (with David Lloyd, 1990) collected in Hellblazer: Rare Cuts (tpb, 160 pages, 2005) Kid Eternity #1-3 (with Duncan Fegredo, 1991) collected as Kid Eternity (tpb, 144 pages, 2006) Sebastian O #1-3 (with Steve Yeowell, 1993) collected as Sebastian O (tpb, 80 pages, 2004) The Mystery Play (with Jon J. Muth, graphic novel, hc, 80 pages, 1994) Swamp Thing #140-143: "Bad Gumbo" (with Mark Millar and Philip Hester, 1994) The Invisibles: —Say You Want a Revolution (Collects Vol.1 #1-8; TPB, 208 pages, 1996) —Apocalipstick (Collects Vol.1 #9-16; TPB, 208 pages, 2001) —Entropy in the UK (Collects Vol.1 #17-25; TPB, 232 pages, 2001) —Bloody Hell in America (Collects Vol.2 #1-4; TPB, 96 pages, 1998) —Counting to None (Collects Vol.2 #5-13; TPB, 240 pages, 1999) —Kissing Mister Quimper (Collects Vol.2 #14-22; TPB, 224 pages, 2000) —The Invisible Kingdom (Collects Vol.3 #12-1; TPB, 288 pages, 2002) collects: — The Invisibles Deluxe Edition Volume 1 (Collects Vol.1 #1-12; HC, 328 pages, 2014) — The Invisibles Deluxe Edition Volume 2 (2014) — The Invisibles Omnibus Kill Your Boyfriend (with Philip Bond and D'Israeli, one-shot, 1995) Flex Mentallo: Man of Muscle Mystery Deluxe Edtion Weird War Tales #3: "New Toys" (with Frank Quitely, 1997) The Filth #1-13 (with Chris Weston, 2002–2003) collected as The Filth (tpb, 320 pages, 2004) We3 #1-3 (with Frank Quitely, 2004–2005) collected as We3 (tpb, 104 pages, 2005, ISBN 1-4012-0495-3; hc, 144 pages, 2011) Seaguy: —Seaguy #1-3 (with Cameron Stewart, 2004) collected as Seaguy (tpb, 104 pages, 2005) ——Seaguy: The Slaves of Mickey Eye #1-3 (with Cameron Stewart, 2009) ——Seaguy: Eternal #1-3 (with Cameron Stewart, tbr) —Vimanarama #1-3 (with Philip Bond, 2005) collected as Vimanarama (tpb, 102 pages, 2006) Joe the Barbarian #1-8 (with Sean Murphy, 2010–2011) collected as Joe the Barbarian (hc, 224 pages, 2011) Marvel Comics: Skrull Kill Krew Marvel Boy #1-6 (with J. G. Jones, 2000–2001) collected as MB (tpb, 144 pages, 2001; hc, 160 pages, 2008) Fantastic Four: 1234 New X-Men: —Volume 1 (hc, 384 pages, 2002, ISBN 0-7851-0964-1; tpb, 376 pages, 2008) collects: Новые Люди Икс. "В" значит Вымирание / "E is for Extinction" (with Frank Quitely, in #114-116, 2001) "The Man from Room X!" (with Leinil Francis Yu, in Annual '01, 2001) "Danger Rooms" (with Ethan van Sciver, in #117, 2001) "Germ Free Generation" (with Ethan van Sciver and Igor Kordey, #118-120, 2001–2002) "Silence: Psychic Rescue in Progress" (with Frank Quitely, in #121, 2002) Новые Люди Икс. Империал / "Imperial" (with Frank Quitely, Ethan van Sciver and Igor Kordey, in #122-126, 2002) —Volume 2 (hc, 368 pages, 2003, ISBN 0-7851-1118-2; tpb, 376 pages, 2008) collects: "Of Living and Dying" (with John Paul Leon, in #127, 2002) "New Worlds" (with Igor Kordey, John Paul Leon, Phil Jimenez, Ethan van Sciver, in #128-133, 2002) "Riot at Xavier's" (with Keron Grant and Frank Quitely, in #134-138, 2003) "Murder at the Mansion" (with Phil Jimenez, in #139-141, 2003) —Volume 3 (hc, 336 pages, 2004, ISBN 0-7851-1200-6; tpb, 336 pages, 2008) collects: "Assault on Weapon Plus" (with Chris Bachalo, in #142-145, 2003) "Planet X" (with Phil Jimenez, in #146-150, 2003–2004) "Here Comes Tomorrow" (with Marc Silvestri, in #151-154, 2004) — New X-Men Omnibus Marvel UK: Titles published by Marvel UK include: Spider-Man and Zoids: "Old Soldiers Never Die" (with Geoff Senior, in #19, 1986) "Deserts" (with Geoff Senior and Ron Smith, in #30-31, 1986) "Bits and Pieces" (with John Ridgway, in #36-37, 1986) "The Black Zoid" (with John Ridgway, Kev Hopgood and Steve Yeowell, in #40-49, 1986–1987) "Revelations" (with Phil Gascoine, in #50, 1987) Captain Britain: "Captain Granbretan" (text story with illustrations by John Stokes, in #13, 1986)[2] Doctor Who Magazine: Doctor Who: The World Shapers (tpb, 288 pages, Panini, 2008) collects: "Changes" (with John Ridgway, in #118-119, 1986) "The World Shapers" (with John Ridgway and Tim Perkins, in #127-129, 1987) Doctor Who: A Cold Day in Hell (tpb, 180 pages, Panini, 2009) collects: "Culture Shock" (with Bryan Hitch, in #139, 1988) Action Force: "Meditations in Red" (with Steve Yeowell, in #17, 1987) "Old Scores" (with Mark Farmer, in Action Force Monthly #3, 1988) UK publishers[edit] Titles published by various British publishers include: Near Myths (script and art, Galaxy Media): "Time is a Four-Lettered Word" (in #2, 1978) "Gideon Stargrave" (in #3-4, 1978–1979) "The Checkmate Man" (in #5, 1980) Captain Clyde (~150 episodes, comic strip ran in local newspapers, Govan Press, 1979–1982)[1] Starblazer (DC Thomson): "Algol the Terrible" (script and art, in #15, 1979) "Last Man on Earth" (with Keith Robson, in #28, 1980) "Operation Overkill" (with Enrique Alcatena, in #45, 1981) "The Cosmic Outlaw" (with José Ortiz, in #86, 1982) "The Death Reaper" (with Enrique Alcatena, in #127, 1984) "Mind Bender" (with Enrique Alcatena, in #167, 1986) "The Midas Mystery" (with Enrique Alcatena, in #177, 1986) "The Ring of Gofannon" (with Garijo, in #209, 1987) Warrior (Quality Communications): The Liberators (with John Ridgway): "Night Moves" (in #26, 1985) "Angels and Demons" (in Spring Special '96, 1996) Sunrise #1: "The Silent Shores" (with Tony O'Donnell, Harrier Comics, 1987) Skin Two #26: "The Story of Zero" ('ambient, erotic' prose, with Steven Cook, Alexander Brattell and Lisa Sherman, 1987) A1 #3: "The House of Hearts Desire" (with Dom Regan, Atomeka, 1989) Trident #1-4: "St. Swithin's Day" (with Paul Grist, Trident, 1989–1990) Steed and Mrs. Peel #1-3: "The Golden Game" (with Ian Gibson, Eclipse, 1990) Fleetway: Titles published by Fleetway include: 2000 AD: Tharg's Future Shocks: "Hotel Harry Felix" (with Geoff Senior, in #463, 1986) "The Alteration" (with Alan Langford, in #466, 1986) "Alien Aid" (with John Stokes, in #469, 1986) "Some People Never Listen" (with Barry Kitson, in #475, 1986) "The Shop that Sold Everything" (with John Stokes, in #477, 1986) "Wheels of Fury" (with Geoff Senior, in #481, 1986) "Return to Sender" (with Jeff Anderson, in Annual '87, 1986) The Best of Tharg's Future Shocks (tpb, 160 pages, Rebellion, 2008) includes: "Curse Your Lucky Star" (with Barry Kitson, in #482, 1986) "Maniac for Hire" (with Johnny Johnstone, in #507, 1987) "Fruitcake and Veg" (with Colin MacNeil, in #508-509, 1987) "Fair Exchange" (with Colin MacNeil, in #514, 1987) "The Invisible Etchings of Salvador Dalí" (with John Hicklenton, in #515, 1987) "Big Trouble for Blast Barclay" (with Mike White, in #516, 1987) "Danger: Genius at Work" (with Steve Dillon, in #479, 1986) "Candy and the Catchman" (with John Ridgway, in #491, 1986) Zenith: Book 1: Tygers (tpb, 88 pages, Titan, 1988) collects: "Phase One" (with Steve Yeowell, in #535-550, 1987) Book 2 (tpb, 56 pages, Titan, 1989, ISBN 1-85286-137-1) collects: "Interlude 1: Whitlock" (with Steve Yeowell, in #558, 1988) "Interlude 2: Peyne" (with Steve Yeowell, in 559, 1988) "Phase Two" (with Steve Yeowell, in #589-596, 1988) Book 3 (tpb, 56 pages, Titan, 1989) collects: "Phase Two" (with Steve Yeowell, in #597-606, 1988) "Interlude 3: Maximan" (with M. Carmona, in Winter Special '88, 1988) "Mandala: Shadows & Reflections" (with Jim McCarthy, in Annual '90, 1989) Book 4 (tpb, 80 pages, Titan, 1990) "Phase Three" (with Steve Yeowell, in #626-634, 650-654, 1989) Book 5 (tpb, 64 pages, Titan, 1990) "Phase Three" (with Steve Yeowell, in #655-662, 667-670, 1989–1990) "Phase Four" (with Steve Yeowell, in #791-806, 1992) "zzzzenith.com" (with Steve Yeowell, in Prog 2001, 2000) Venus Bluegenes: "The Pleasures of the Flesh" (with Will Simpson, in Sci-Fi Special '88, 1988) Janus: Psi Division: "Will o' the Wisp" (with Carlos Ezquerra, in Winter Special '93, 1993) "House of Sighs" (with Paul Johnson, in #953, 1995) "Faustus" (with Mark Millar and Paul Johnson, in #1024-1031, 1997) Really & Truly (with Rian Hughes, in #842-849, 1993) collected in Yesterday's Tomorrows (hc, 256 pages, Xpresso, 2007) Judge Dredd: "Inferno" (with Carlos Ezquerra, in #842-853, 1993) "Book of the Dead" (with Mark Millar and Dermot Power, in #859-866, 1993) "Crusade" (with Mark Millar and Mick Austin, in #928-937, 1995) Big Dave (with Mark Millar): "Target Baghdad" (with Steve Parkhouse, in #842-845, 1993) "Young Dave" (with Steve Parkhouse, in Yearbook '94, 1993) "Monarchy in the UK" (with Steve Parkhouse, in #846-849, 1994) "Costa del Chaos" (with Anthony Williams, in #869-872, 1994) "Wotta Lotta Balls" (with Steve Parkhouse, in #904-907, 1994) Revolver: Dare: The Controversial Memoir of Dan Dare (tpb, 80 pages, Titan, 1991) collects: "Dare" (with Rian Hughes, in #1-7, 1990) "Dare (finale)" (with Rian Hughes, in Crisis #55-56, 1991) Crisis: "The New Adventures of Hitler" (with Steve Yeowell, in #46-49, 1990) "Bible John - A Forensic Meditation" (with Daniel Vallely, #56-61, 1991) Other US publishers[edit] Titles published by various American publishers include: Fast Forward #1: "A Glass of Water" (with Dave McKean, Piranha Press, 1992) Image: Spawn #16-18: "Reflections" (with Greg Capullo, 1993–1994) collected in Spawn: Escalation (tpb, 120 pages, 1997) Happy! #1-4 (with Darick Robertson, 2012–2013) Vampirella Monthly (Harris): The Morrison/Millar Collection (tpb, 176 pages, 2006) collects: "Blood Red Game" (with Michael Bair and Kevin Nowlan, in Vampirella 25th Anniversary Special, 1996) "Ascending Evil" (with Mark Millar and Amanda Conner, in #1-3, 1997) "Holy War" (with Mark Millar and Louis Small, Jr., in #4-6, 1997) "Queen's Gambit" (with Mark Millar and Amanda Conner, in #7-9, 1997) Wildstorm: The Authority: "Brave New World, Part Three" (uncredited,[3] with Art Adams, in v1 #28, 2002) collected in Transfer of Power (tpb, 192 pages, 2002) "Utopian" (with Gene Ha, in v4 #1-2, 2006) collected in The Lost Year (tpb, 168 pages, 2010) Wildcats v4 #1: "A Halo 'Round the World" (with Jim Lee, 2006) Dynamite/Liquid: 18 Days (with Mukesh Singh, graphic novel, hc, 120 pages, 2010) Barry Sonnenfeld's Dinosaurs vs Aliens (with Mukesh Singh, graphic novel, hc, 96 pages, 2012) Fiction: "Lovecraft in Heaven" (in The Starry Wisdom: A Tribute to H. P. Lovecraft, Creation Books, 1995) Lovely Biscuits (collection of short stories and plays, Oneiros Books, 1998, ISBN 1-902197-01-1) "I'm A Policeman" (in Disco 2000, 1998) Non-fiction: "Pop Magic!" (in Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult, edited by Richard Metzger, Disinfo, 2003) Supergods (464 pages, hardcover, Spiegel & Grau with the subtitle What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human, July 2011, Jonathan Cape with the subtitle Our World in the Age of the Superhero, June 2011)[/spoiler] Лауреат: 2006 г. — Премия индустрии комиксов имени Уилла Айснера (Лучшая законченная серия / серия с ограниченным количеством выпусков, Seven Soldiers of Victory Volume 1)

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