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  • Просмотров: 11

Описание книги

Berlin,1931. A power struggle is taking place in Berlin’s underworld. The American gangster Abraham Goldstein is in residence at the Hotel Excelsior. As a favour to the FBI, the police put him under surveillance with Detective Gereon Rath on the job. As Rath grows bored and takes on a private case for his seedy pal Johann Marlow, he soon finds himself in the middle of a Berlin street war.

Meanwhile Rath’s on-off girlfriend, Charly, lets a young woman she is interrogating escape, and soon her investigations cross Rath’s from the other side. Berlin is a divided city where two worlds are about to collide: the world of the American gangster and the expanding world of Nazism.

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Подробная информация

  • Перевод Niall Sellar
  • Год издания: 2018
  • Издательство: Namenlos
  • Количество страниц: 454
  • Объем: 859162 тыс. знаков
  • Дата поступления: 16.05.2019

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  • Количество оценок: 0
  • Просмотров: 11
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