Piker's Paradise

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  • Просмотров: 8

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Mercs, mobsters, and a queen all want Rasmus Brick dead. Money and revenge go a long way to making bad things happen in Piker's Paradise, the raunchiest cesspool of a colony on this end of the galaxy. And that's where the Ship With No Name has found itself stranded, in need of repairs the crew can't afford. So what can they do but hire themselves out to the mercenary guilds in hopes of hitting a big score? But these guilds don't earn their keep by guarding casinos and pimps and walking cocktail waitresses home after work. They battle bugs the size of bears mining the asteroids out on the frontier, and they're always on the watch for the next guild to ambush them, kill them, and steal everything they've earned.
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  • Год издания: 2019
  • Дата поступления: 09.08.2019

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Piker's Paradise
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  • Количество оценок: 0
  • Просмотров: 8
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