Учебные пособия, самоучители

Mastering Microservices with Java 9
Master the art of implementing scalable microservices in your production environment with ease Ab...
Concise Guide to Object-Oriented Programming
This engaging textbook provides an accessible introduction to coding and the world of Object-Oriente...
Introducing the MySQL 8 Document Store
Learn the new Document Store feature of MySQL 8 and build applications around a mix of the best feat...
Секреты ментальной математики
Эти простые математические секреты и хитрости навсегда изменят то, как вы смотрите на мир чисел. "Се...
Tkinter GUI Programming by Example
Tkinter is a modular, cross-platform application development toolkit for Python. When developing GUI...
How to Tango with Django
This book will spare you time. On numerous events we’ve seen smart understudies stall out, going thr...
Высшая математика для чайников. Производные и дифференциалы
Приветствую Вас в моей второй книге «Высшая математика для чайников. Производный и дифференциалы». Ч...
Flask Framework Cookbook
In the five years since the first edition of this book was published, I have received numerous email...
Serious Python
"Serious Python contains a considerable amount of judicious battle-tested advice from an experienced...
Zend Framework 2 Foundations
Whether you're completely new to Zend Framework, have experience in other PHP frameworks, such as Sy...
Building REST APIs with Flask
Develop RESTful web services using the Flask micro-framework and integrate them using MySQL. Use Fla...
Learning OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python
Computer vision is a rapidly evolving science, encompassing diverse applications and techniques. Thi...
PHP Pandas
With PHP Pandas, I have decided to try something new. I wanted to write a PHP book that was accessib...
Java 9 with JShell
Java is definitely one of the most popular programming languages of this century. However, whenever...
Learn to Program with Python 3
Move from zero knowledge of programming to comfortably writing small to medium-sized programs in Pyt...
Линейная алгебра на Python
Книга “Линейная алгебра на Python” — это попытка соединить две области: математику и программировани...