Учебные пособия, самоучители

Good Habits for Great Coding
Improve your coding skills and learn how to write readable code. Rather than teach basic programming...
Introducing Jakarta EE CDI
Discover the Jakarta EE Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI 2.0) framework which helps you write...
Python 3 Object-oriented Programming
Python 3 is more versatile and easier to use than ever. It runs on all major platforms in a huge arr...
Deep learning with Python
This book discusses the intricacies of the internal workings of a deep learning model. It addresses...
R Cookbook
R is a powerful tool for statistics, graphics, and statistical programming. It is used by tens of th...
The Python Bible 7 In 1
Become A Python Expert From Scratch! Python's popularity is growing tremendously and it's becoming...
The Hacker’s Guide to Scaling Python
When I released The Hacker’s Guide to Python in 2014, I had no idea that I would be writing a new bo...
Architecting Modern Java EE Applications
Java EE 8 brings with it a load of features, mainly targeting newer architectures such as microservi...
Python Testing with pytest
Do less work when testing your Python code, but be just as expressive, just as elegant, and just as...
Школа Науки № 8
ФИЗИКО-МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ Kochkarev B.S. The descent axiom and polynomial and non polynomial set...
Clean Code in Python
Topics included: Introduction, Code Formatting, and Tools • Pythonic Code • General Traits of Good C...
Introducing Play Framework
Enter the world of rapid web application development. This gentle introduction to Play covers all yo...
C#. Основы программирования
В книге изложены основы программирования на языке C# в среде Net Framework, описаны операции и опера...
The Clean Architecture in PHP
It happens so unexpectedly: your project started off great at first with you developing at a rapid p...
Python data access
Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and high-level programming la...