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Kursk: Putin's First Crisis and the Russian Navy's Darkest Hour
The acclaimed and harrowing story of the fate of Russia’s most powerful submarine – now with ne...
Бронеавтомобиль «Остин». Предтеча бронетанковых войск России
История бронетанковых войск нашей страны начиналась не с танков — у ее истоков стояли бронирова...
Soviet Destroyers of World War II
The Soviet Navy that faced the German onslaught in 1941 boasted a mixture of modern warships, often...
Messerschmitt Bf 109 A-D series
From the nascent days of the Spanish Civil War to the desperate, final defence of the stricken Reich...
Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-F series
The Messerschmitt Bf 109 was one of the truly world class piston-engined fighters of World War II. T...
Soviet Paratrooper versus Mujahideen Fighter: Afghanistan 1979-89
In 1979 the Soviet Union moved from military ‘help’ to active intervention in Afghanistan. Four-fift...
Gebirgsjäger versus Soviet Sailor: Arctic Circle 1942-44
In 1941-44, Nazi Germany's Gebirgsjäger - elite mountain troops - clashed repeatedly with land-based...
Armies of Medieval Russia 750-1250
In the centuries following the first expeditions down the great rivers of northern Russia by Viking...
The British Army of the Crimea
The British Army's involvement in the Crimean War of 1854-56 is often remembered only for the ill-ad...
Soviet Lend-Lease Tanks of World War II
The Red Army suffered such catastrophic losses of armour in the summer of 1941 that they begged...
British Light Tanks 1927-45: Marks I-VI
This is the definitive study of British light tanks of the Second World War. The author draws upon a...