Военная история

The 'Hermann Göring' Division
Each of Germany's World War II armed services could claim one unit which earned a unique combat repu...
The US Army of World War I
When the USA entered World War I in April 1917 her Regular Army counted just 128,000 men and lacked...
Польский крест советской контрразведки
Революция 1917 года и провозглашение независимой Польши привели к острому противостоянию большевистс...
Italian Light Tanks: 1919-45
The Italian army, unlike those of the British and French, did not use tanks in combat during World W...
Italian Medium Tanks: 1939-45
Several factors delayed and greatly hampered the development of an Italian medium tank during World...
Polish Armor of the Blitzkrieg
The Polish army during the Blitzkrieg conjures up tragic images of infantry and dashing, but ineffec...
Katyusha: Russian Multiple Rocket Launchers, 1941 - Present
Although military rockets have been used since the Middle Ages, it was not until the Soviet Union pi...
The Longbow
An iconic medieval missile weapon, the deadly longbow made possible the English victories at Crecy a...
The Composite Bow
An ancient design, emerging from Central Asia in the second millennium BC, the composite bow was ado...
The Anti-Tank Rifle
The emergence of the tank in World War I led to the development of the first infantry weapons to def...
Sherman Medium Tank 1942-45
The M4 Sherman tank was the mainstay of the Western allies between 1942 and 1945. Fast and modern it...
The Stalin and Molotov Lines: Soviet Western Defences 1928-41
In the years following the Civil War, plans were drawn up to build a major set of fortifications alo...
Дирижабли на войне
В этой книге обобщены материалы о создании, развитии и боевом применении дирижаблей Германии, Англии...