Классическая проза

Марко Висконти
В романе воссоздана борьба за Ламбардию между сторонниками папы и императора. Главный герой романа —...
Будучи профессиональным исследователем средневековой английской литературы, Гарднер с особенным инте...
Тэсс из рода д'Эрбервиллей
В романе Томаса Гарди (1840—1928) рассказывается о печальной судьбе девушки, наделенной красотой и т...
Sense and Sensibility
Originally titled "Elinor and Marianne", "Sense and Sensibility" was the first of Jane Austen's nove...
The Man Who Was Thursday
It is very difficult to classify THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY. It is possible to say that it is...
Bleak House
Soon after she returns to Bleak House, Esther decides to go to London to see Mr. Guppy. First, she v...
David Copperfield
In his early childhood days, a young boy, David Copperfield, had been living with his mother and the...
Dombey and Son
Mr. Dombey, a wealthy London merchant, puts all his hopes in his sickly son Paul to succeed him in r...
Great Expectations
Great Expectations chronicles the progress of Pip from childhood through adulthood. As he moves from...
The Adventures of Oliver Twist
One of Dickens’ most enduringly popular stories is Oliver Twist, an early work published 1837-8. Lik...